2024-02-12_Prismatic VLMs - Investigating the Design Space of Visually-Conditioned Language Models

| Karamcheti 等 - 2024 - Prismatic VLMs Investigating the Design Space of .pdf| 2024-02-12 | Siddharth Karamcheti, Suraj Nair, Ashwin Balakrishna, Percy Liang, Thomas Kollar, Dorsa Sadigh | URL | arxiv

基于LLaVA系列:Visual Instruction TuningLLaVA-1.5做的Ablation!


1 Data

VSR consists of challenging True/False questions about individual spatial relationships in diverse scenes (e.g., “the cake is at the edge of the dining table”); this is an especially challenging task, with most existing models failing to outperform the majority class baseline (51%).
TallyQA consists of questions that assess a VLM’s ability to count objects described in language, with expressions that range in complexity. Finally, POPE consists of targeted Yes/No questions that assess a VLM’s propensity to hallucinate.

2 Ablations

2.1 Single-Stage Training

直接进入Instuction Tuning(Frozen ViT)即可!效果差不多!

2.2 Full Finetune ViT?


2.3 ViT & Image Preprocessing

Pasted image 20240520210839.png

llava的pad to square,和不管长宽比的naive resize相比,差不多!

2.4 Fuse CLIP/SigLIP & DINOv2

直接channel concat,然后调整MLP,对MLP来说几乎没有参数增加。在其他benchmark上效果都好了,但是在TextVQA上大幅度掉点!为什么?

2.5 base or Instruction-tunedLLM?

base LLM的效果甚至更好!

3 Abstract

Visually-conditioned language models (VLMs) have seen growing adoption in applications such as visual dialogue, scene understanding, and robotic task planning; adoption that has fueled a wealth of new models such as LLaVa, InstructBLIP, and PaLI-3. Despite the volume of new releases, key design decisions around image preprocessing, architecture, and optimization are underexplored, making it challenging to understand what factors account for model performance – a challenge further complicated by the lack of objective, consistent evaluations. To address these gaps, we first compile a suite of standardized evaluations spanning visual question answering, object localization from language, and targeted challenge sets that probe properties such as hallucination; evaluations that provide calibrated, finegrained insight into a VLM’s capabilities. Second, we rigorously investigate VLMs along key design axes, including pretrained visual representations and quantifying the tradeoffs of using base vs. instruct-tuned language models, amongst others. We couple our analysis with three resource contributions: (1) a unified framework for evaluating VLMs, (2) optimized, flexible code for VLM training, and (3) checkpoints for all models, including a family of VLMs at the 7-13B scale that strictly outperform InstructBLIP and LLaVa v1.5, the state-of-the-art in open-source VLMs.